Systems Overview: Water, Wastewater, Stormwater

green leaf and water

The City of Markham is proud of its water distribution, wastewater collection, and stormwater management systems provided and maintained for our residents, businesses, and industries.

To find out more about where our water comes from, what wastewater is and how Markham manages our stormwater, read more below.

The City of Markham delivers clean, safe drinking water.

Through a system of pipes, valves, hydrants, pumping stations, and reservoirs, we deliver high quality, reliable drinking water to our residents, businesses, and industries. Learn where Markham’s water comes from and how it’s treated, tested for quality and delivered to your home.

What is Wastewater?

Wastewater is any and all water that is used in industrial, commercial or residential buildings that goes down a drain. Wastewater is produced through actions such as doing the laundry, taking a shower or even flushing a toilet. This water then flows into pipes specifically made for wastewater and enters Markham’s sanitary sewer system.

The City of Markham, its residents and businesses value our environment and its natural resources. Our stormwater management activities help protect and enhance our water resources, and maintain the continued health of our streams, rivers, lakes, fisheries and natural heritage systems.  Stormwater management policies and practices also help manage the risk of flood damages in natural and urban drainage systems.

See below for an overview of our stormwater management programs. More information can be found at the Programs page

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